So, after about a year of work on the MORTIMER: BEAST HUNTER patreon game, I've decided to put him on hiatus and rework the page. Long story short, the project was overly ambitious and while I'm super proud of the work and fun we all put into it, I just didnt have the time to be as consistent with my story updates as I would have liked, which made it easy to lose track of where we were up to and what plans we had put in motion. So, while he is on hold for the moment I may return with him in some form at a later stage when I get more time. (He was too much fun to just kill off!)
HOWEVER all is not lost!
I've decided to rebuild my Patreon and dedicate it to more general art for everyone to enjoy. I'm tying this in closely with my weekly Twitch streams and will be uploading high res versions of every finished artwork from my stream for my patrons to download and print off for their own personal use! There's also layered PSD files, tutorials, videos, sketches, concepts of new work and ideas, monthly discounts from my store and pretty much anything else I can think of!
So if you like my weird and gross artwork and would like access to some fun goodies, maybe consider checking it out. It's less than a coffee a month, and will pump you up just as much!
hey tristan how’s it goin’
wee wee hee hee tee hee !!!!
wooo wooooo!!!! wooooooo!!!!
Hey, it's goin gooood! How's it goin with you?